A Maine Pledge To Protect the Civil Rights of Immigrants


The following letter was circulated for signatures in November 2016 to organizations, schools and colleges, faith communities, and elected officials in the state of Maine in response to rising acts of racism and xenophobia, anti-immigrant political rhetoric, and the resulting fears and uncertainties faced by immigrant communities. With thanks to the signatories who have pledged to protect civil rights, please circulate, share, and post this letter.



To our immigrant friends, neighbors, colleagues, and fellow community members:
We support and pledge to defend your civil rights and to work toward building communities of compassion, dignity, and safety for all.


إلى المهاجرين الأصدقاء والجيران والزملاء، والزملاء أعضاء الجمعيات.

نحن بفخر ندعم حقوقكم المدنية ونتعهد بالعمل نحو بناء مجتمعات الرحمة والكرامة والسلامة للجميع.



Ku socota: saaxiibadeen, dariskeenna, iyo bulshadeenna oo dhan :

Waxaan taageeraynaa oon xushmad u haynaa xuquuqdiina rayad ahaan waxanan ballan qaadaynaa inaan ka wada shaqaynaynaasidaan u dhisi lahayn bulsho isjecel, is xushmaysa oo amaan ah.



À nos amis immigrants, à nos voisins, à nos collègues, et aux membres des communautés :

Nous soutenons et honorons vos droits civiques et nous nous engageons à travailler pour bâtir des communautés de compassion, de dignité et de sécurité pour tous.



Para nuestros amigos, vecinos, y colegas inmigrantes y para los miembros de la comunidad:

Apoyamos y respetamos a sus derechos civiles y estamos comprometidos a trabajar para construir comunidades llenos de compasión, de dignidad y de seguridad para todos.



Aos nossos amigos, vizinhos e colegas imigrantes e aos membros da comunidade:

Apoiamos e respeitamos dos seus direitos civis e estamos empenhados em trabalhar para construir comunidades cheias de compaixão, dignidade e segurança para todos.





Abbey of HOPE (Hands of Peace Extended)

ACLU of Maine

Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church

Angolan Community of Maine

President, Bates College

Catholic Charities of Maine

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Community Financial Literacy

Congolese Community Association of Maine (CoCo Maine)

Congregation Bet Ha’am

Dd Swan Consulting

Education Program, Colby College

Empower the Immigrant Woman

First Parish Portland Unitarian Universalist

First Universalist Church of Auburn, Unitarian Universalist

First Universalist Church of Yarmouth

Frannie Peabody Center

Furniture Friends

Greater Portland Family Promise

Greater Portland Health

Harward Center, Bates College

Hispanic Ministry, Portland Diocese

Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine

Hope Acts

HopeGateWay United Methodist Church, Portland

Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (ILAP)

Immigrant Resource Center of Maine

In Her Presence

Iraqi Community Association of Maine

Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine

Ladder to the Moon Network

Lewiston City Council President Kristen Cloutier

Lewiston City Councilor Jim Lysen

Lewiston School Committee Member Megan Parks

Light Mission Church

Living With Peace

Maine Access Immigrant Network (MAIN)

Maine Association for New Americans (MANA)

Maine Council of Churches

Maine Equal Justice Partners

Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services (MIRS)

Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition (MIRC)

Maine Migrant Health Program

Maine People’s Alliance

Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network (MUUSAN)

Martin Luther King, Jr. Fellows

Mayor Ethan Strimling, City of Portland

Morning Glory Arts Therapy

NAACP Portland Branch

New England Arab American Association

New England Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers)

New Mainers Alliance

New Mainers Public Health Initiative

New Mainers Political Action Committee

New Mainers Resource Center

New Mainers Tenants’ Association

Oak Institute for the Study of International Human Rights, Colby College

Preble Street

Portland Adult Education

Portland City Councilor At Large Jon Hinck

Portland City Councilor Belinda Ray

Portland Public Schools, Xavier Botana, Superintendent

Portland School Board and At Large Portland City Councilor Pious Ali

Rabbi Jared Saks, Congregation Bet Ha’am

Rwandese Community Association

St. Ansgar Lutheran Church

St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center

Saint Joseph’s College

St. Luke’s Cathedral (Episcopalian), Portland

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Portland

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Portland Area

Slim Peace

Somali Bantu Community of Lewiston, Maine

Somali Community Center of Maine

Southern Maine Worker’s Center

State Representative Peggy Rotundo

State Representative Rachel Talbot Ross

Sustainable Livelihoods Relief Organization

Temple Beth El, Portland

Treetop Zen Center

Trinity Episcopal Church, Portland

Unitarian Universalist Church of Saco and Biddeford

Dean, University of Maine School of Law

Welcoming Immigrants Network

Welcoming the Stranger

YMCA of Southern Maine

#mainesupportsimmigrants #pledgetoprotect #immigrantrights #strongcommunities